Joseph Rigano Indian Ocean Rim Laboratory Haematology Congress 2019

Joseph Rigano

Joe Rigano leads the Haematology Laboratory at Northern Pathology Victoria which includes Routine Haematology, Complex Haemostasis and Thalassaemia & Haemoglobinopathy. He has previously worked at Austin Health for 15 years in the same departments including Molecular Haematology. His passion is in thrombosis and haemostasis where he constantly drives innovative change through research in new technology and assays which has resulted in 5 publications over the last 2 years. He has recently joined the Thrombosis Research team at NPV with many projects in progress. A strong commitment to CPD has seen Joe deliver numerous presentations and posters at Blood and AIMS meetings, Special Interest Groups and Clinical Seminars locally, nationally and internationally. He is currently completing his Haematology Fellowship and in 2018 received the AIMS George Milsom Memorial Award for significant service in the field of medical science.

Abstracts this author is presenting: