Paul Monagle Indian Ocean Rim Laboratory Haematology Congress 2019

Paul Monagle

Prof Paul Monagle is a recognised world leader in the field of paediatric haemostasis and antithrombotic therapy. This is evidenced by: being a past chair of the paediatric/perinatal Scientific Subcommittee of International Society of Haemostasis and Thrombosis (ISTH); leader of the paediatric chapter of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) antithrombotic guidelines for over a decade; member of the NIH working party into thrombotic disorders in paediatric cardiology patients; member of the American Society of Haematology venous thrombosis guideline steering committee, and chair of the paediatric panel; on International steering committees of multiple industry sponsored trials of anticoagulation in children; Co-author of multiple textbooks; 32 chapters in major international textbooks; multiple international guidelines and position statements. He has over 250 publications, with over 10000 citations. He has given over 100 invited presentations, locally, nationally and internationally including being the 2018 Barry Firkin Orator.

Abstracts this author is presenting: