Julie McMorrow Indian Ocean Rim Laboratory Haematology Congress 2019

Julie McMorrow

Through her work as Critical Care Pharmacist at Royal Perth Hospital, Julie has been involved in multidisciplinary patient blood management for over 20 years. Julie graduated from the Western Australian Institute of Technology (now Curtin University). Her subsequent Graduate Diploma (WAIT), Doctor of Pharmacy degree (University of Iowa) and Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Critical Care Pharmacotherapy (Ohio State University/Wexner Institute for Pediatric Research) equipped her for advanced critical care pharmacy practice and research. During her time in the US, Julie was a foundation member of the Society of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section and was the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Critical Care Research Fellow for 1990-91. After returning to Western Australia, Julie pioneered provision of specialised clinical pharmacy services in areas such as Emergency Medicine, Resuscitation/MET, burns care, ICU care of lung transplant patients, disaster preparedness and response, Anaesthesia/Perioperative Medicine and Imaging Services. Julie’s focus on patient blood management began when called upon to provide emergency care for severely-anaemic ICU patients. Her simple regimen for use of IV iron, other haematinics and epoetin (with minimisation of blood loss, reduced blood sampling volumes and monitoring of reticulocyte response) has been used throughout Australia and internationally to assist patients for whom transfusion is not an option or must be minimised. Julie’s interest in the team approach to anaemia prevention and management for all patients led to involvement with the WA Patient Blood Management Program (2008-2012) and the IRONMAN Study (2013-2015). She was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2009 to study pharmacist involvement in patient blood management in the UK and US. In 2012, Julie coordinated the first WA importation and successful clinical use of the haemoglobin-based oxygen carrier HBOC-021 (Hemopure).

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